Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nov 9th - Today's Political Events

It is now quite obvious that John Morton, Obama appointed him to run ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) is blatantly derelict in his duty to enforce the law. Last July, Chris Crane, president of the union that represents ICE officers, told the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration that officers were being told not to arrest illegal aliens. EVEN IF THEY WERE FUGITIVES EVADING DEPORTATION ORDERS! Mr. Crane has since provided copies of emails that seem to support his testimony. More Obama “change”, blatant disregard for his DUTY to enforce the Constitution.

Perhaps Obama is to busy to be bothered with such things as illegal immigration. Last Tuesday his minions announced that a new tax was going to be imposed on Christmas trees. The Obama folks needed a source of income so that they could put yet more people on the Federal payroll by starting a new “board” that would be tasked with promoting Christmas trees. Could someone point out to me in which Article and Section of the Constitution did “We the People”  give the Feds the power to get involved in Christmas tree sales. After hearing all the laughter about such a stupid proposal, Obama has now told his people to trash the tax. Guess he will have to find some other way to get more folks on the Federal payroll, sucking up our dollars.

Excerpt from email from Ken Levit, executive director of the George Kaiser Family Foundation (George is a BIG Obama donor), to Steve Mitchell, manager of Argonaut Private Equity, “they about had an orgasm in Biden’s office when we mentioned Solyndra”. Excerpt from follow up reply from Mitchell to Levit, “That’s awesome! Get us a (Department of Energy) loan.” Isn’t Biden the one who said the way to keep from going bankrupt was to borrow more?  The Solyndra fiasco cost taxpayers $500 million (I bet the actual cost to taxpayers will be well over a billion dollars once the cost of all the litigation, fact finding, etc is done). This guy (Biden) can’t possibly be this financially stupid, can he?

Obama is still trying to kill the TransCanadian pipeline. Rumors are that he has ordered the State Department to conduct yet another environmental impact study. The new study could delay the project another 2 years, if it doesn’t kill it. The environmental impact study already completed by the State Department came up with the wrong answer. It found that the project would pose only limited adverse environmental impacts. The pipeline would carry 700,000 barrels of Canadian oil to US refineries every day. Guess Obama would rather the Arabs get our oil money.

Over the past 2 years District of Columbia police have arrested more than 3,400 drivers for expired license plates or driving unregistered vehicles. Proportionally that would be about the same as 40,000 Indiana drivers. DC’s solution to their crime problem fits right in with the way they run the place. The DC Council just passed legislation to end the practice of arresting people for these infractions. No doubt they will soon order police officers to attend sensitivity training, to be sure they don’t hurt criminals feelings by arresting them.

The Occupy Wall Street protesters are such fine people. Sexual assaults are occurring frequently enough that there is now a “woman’s only” tent in Manhattan. Also in Manhattan a business owner has claimed that she has been terrorized by “Occupiers” because she stopped them from bathing in the restroom in her business. Another Manhattan business owner is also fed up with “Occupiers” using the restroom in her business. They had previously caused $3,000 damage to the restroom. Near the “Occupy” camp in San Diego street cart vendors were forced to close up shop Monday when protesters ransacked and vandalized their carts. The protesters were mad because they stopped getting free food. Are politicians ever going to let the cops start enforcing laws?

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