Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nov 16th - Political Commentary - Will Dem Voters Buy This Crap?

A group of 21 millionaires went to DC today to urge Congress to increase their taxes. It was an obvious publicity stunt but I bet there will be a lot of Democratic voters who actually will be impressed by such a stupid display.

Does anyone believe that these millionaires are actually saying, “We are to stupid to distribute our money to help others; so would you, the Federal government take it away from us and waste it like you already do with trillions of taxpayers dollars.” What they really believe is, “There are other people out there who believe they can make better decisions about how to spend THEIR money that the Feds, we need to tax them and regulate them to the point where every individualistic tendency is beaten out of them.”

Grover Norquist had a great piece of wisdom for them , "If you think the federal government can spend your money better than you can, then by all means pay more in taxes than you owe. The IRS should have a little line on the form where people can donate money to the government just like the tip line on a restaurant receipt."

One of the bozo millionaires suggested that if Norquist wanted low taxes and less government, "Renounce your American citizenship and move to Somalia where they don't collect any tax." It isn’t the Norquists who are trying to change our nation. It is the people who want to grow government to the point where it controls everything. If those millionaires want to live in a socialist/communist mecca then THEY need to relocate.

In 1970 when Johnson started his “War on Poverty” the federal government spent less than $5,400 per US citizen, in inflation adjusted 2010 dollars. In 2010 it spent $12,000 per US citizen. I simply can not understand why any person would think we should give the federal government more of our money. They have proven time after time that they will only use our money to get themselves re-elected. Maybe by giving it to their buddies at Solyndra or maybe by creating an entire class who actually now believe that it is governments job to reward them for every stupid decision they make in life.

How did Ayn Rand get it so right in her 50's book titled Atlas Shrugged. It was a difficult read for me but I urge all of you to pick up a copy from your local library and read it. It says so much about what is happening in the United States today.

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