Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nov 29th - More From the RINO's

How much more evidence is needed before all conservatives and libertarians abandon the Republican party?

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday opened the door to extending the payroll tax holiday, just two days after his top deputy suggested Republicans would not support a renewal of the temporary cut.
"In all likelihood, we will agree to continue the current payroll tax relief for another year," McConnell said Tuesday

The "payroll tax cut holiday" is nothing more than the blatant theft of money that should be going into Social Security. The lying scum in DC claim that they are going to use money from the general fund to put the money back into Social Security. Obama is running massive annual deficits of $1.3 TRILLION, where is the federal government going to get the money to put into Social Security?

The people in DC can't be so stupid as to think the huge increases in spending and debt the past few years was good for the nation. I'm not sure of their motive but I am sure that it isn't in the best interests of those of us who want the government off our backs.

Please support Civil Libertarians whenever you have the opportunity.

On another note. If Herman Cain turns out to be a lying piece of trash like "I did not have sex with that woman." Bill Clinton, is it possible that he will get the support of those who supported Clinton. Of course Cain has still not managed to commit perjury, like Clinton did.

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