Sunday, February 5, 2017

Feb 5th - Football Dynasty?

Like them or not the Patriots are a football dynasty and Tom Brady is one the all time great quarterbacks. I was cheering for the underdog Falcons. It was fun watching the first half. Then came the disastrous second half. I didn't start watching until a minute or so after the game started. I took a shower during the half time "entertainment". I turned the TV off immediately after the game ended.

Interesting service at church this morning. Almost all of the "sermon time" was taken up with a video of pro football players, and some of their wives, taking about their lives and their faith in Christ. I don't know if they will have it as part of their videos of services. If they do I will post a link if I see it. The last sermon currently posted is Jan 15th. The church is doing 3 sessions of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. 130 people are signed up to take the classes. 17 families went through training to act as "leaders" during the classes. They completed the training 9 weeks ago. Since then the families have, in total, paid off $62,490 of non-mortgage debt & put $71,318 into savings. They had to sell some things to be able to do this but its pretty amazing. My guess is that part of this is because  they sold off some expensive vehicles and paid off the loans. Ramsey is big on not making big payments just so that you can drive a vehicle to impress others.

I ran a few errands while in town. By the time I got home it was close enough to lunch time to have some lunch. Then I went out and started digging. Even though the concrete slab in my shed if above grade some muddy rain water rain across it during some heavy rains a couple of weeks ago. I didn't put a gutter on the roof because it would be a constant maintenance problem, cleaning out leaves & branches. Instead I'm installing a drainage tile along the back of the shed, and eventually along the back of the cabin. I still have 40' of trench to dig along the back of the cabin but it will have to wait until a later date. I'm hoping to get the tile behind the shed covered with rock before the rain starts tomorrow. Its also supposed to rain Tuesday & Wednesday.

God is good. May He bless you and yours.

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