Friday, February 3, 2017

Feb 3rd - Logging

Cool and partly cloudy today. I think the high was around 35, with a brisk breeze.

I borrowed Tom's tractor this morning and did some "logging". I had cut down several trees last spring when I was opening up our "viewing alley". This morning I cut two to the trees in to section and hauled them up near the cabin, to be cut up for firewood and hauled back to Missouri when I go.
 I was able to back up about 20' beyond the large rock on the left. Rock outcroppings prevent going further down the hill, with the tractor, in this area. It took 50' of chain to reach the last section I pulled up the hill.

After getting the logs up beyond the big rock in the previous photo I would back up and shorten the chain before dragging them up the alley to near the cabin.

Logs up near cabin.

I also cut down 2 more large trees to open up our "viewing alley" a little more, So that we can see the far off ridge better. When the leaves were on the trees this past summer you could not see it at all.

That was enough for me today. There is still one more decent sized tree (15" diameter truck) and 4 or 5 smaller (6-8" diameter trunks) left back there from last spring. They can wait for the next trip. I already have enough up at the cabin to make a load to haul back this trip.

God is good. May He bless you and yours.

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