Today's high temperature was 70 degrees, IN MID FEBRUARY! It was a very nice day. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as nice.
Andy brought Nolan over this AM, on his way to work, so that Kelsey could go to a hair appointment. He brought some Ott bacon and sausage for breakfast. He fried the bacon and sausage and I fried the eggs. The Ott family ends up with good bacon and sausage when they butcher. Kathy & Kelsey went to the Amish grocery stores when she came to pick Nolan up later in the morning.
I split some wood today. I was curious to learn how my shoulder would react to splitting wood. No real problem. I have some discomfort but nothing to fuss about. This is what I split. The stack is a little over 6' tall. The pieces are 24-28" long. The Hardy will accept larger pieces than these but the wood split well and I wanted to have a good stock of wood that is not to large for Kathy to handle when I'm not here. (Mary Lou would laugh at my stack of wood. She would have all the little holes chucked full of small pieces of wood.) I also cut did some minor pruning with my pole saw. I think I cut off 6 or 7 1-1.5" diameter branches.
I still have some larger chunks of wood that are to large to fit through the door of the Hardy. When I get them split they will make another pile at least as large as this one.
In the afternoon Kathy burned a bunch of leaves and burned off her small garden area.
God is good. May He bless you and yours.
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