Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2nd - Wet & Cool

We had the AC running during the day for the past couple of days. This morning I fired up the wood boiler. Yesterday at 5 PM the temperature was still over 80. It is currently misting rain and the temperature is down to 46, at 5 PM. The low for tonight is forecast to be a rainy 37.

I bought a Stihl weedeater/brush cutter yesterday. I ran 1 1/2 tanks of gas through it and it seems to work well. It accepts a bunch of different "blades", in addition to the standard head with line. I have one of the steel brush cutting blades and another head with plastic cutters instead of string. The one I used when we were out in Oregon had a head with the plastic cutters, I liked it. I have only used the string head so far.

I couldn't spend a lot of time weedeating yesterday because Lydia came about 1 PM. I just had to spend some time with her. I hope you all have seen the awesome "9 month" photos of her that Kelsey had taken. They are posted on Facebook.

The guy who I dealt with at the hardware store lived in Indiana for several years. His wife, who also works at the store, grew up in Crawfordsville. The moved to Missouri in the early 90's. I tried to get him to come down off the list price, or to throw in a full harness, but wasn't able to get him to budge on the price. I mentioned that I wanted to use the weedeater to cut down bamboo. He told me he would like to have some. I told hime to come over and dig up as much as he wanted. I intended on buying the full harness when I was there but when I got home I found that it wasn't in the bag, nor was I charged for it. The single shoulder harness that came with it worked okay yesterday but I still want the double shoulder one to do serious work (2-3 tankfuls in a day). This morning I dug up some bamboo shoots and went back to the hardware store. I told the guy that I thought that he purposely didn't give me the harness because he hoped I'd come back with some bamboo. We had a good chuckle over it. He ended up selling me the harness for $10, it listed for $22. Wasn't bad pay for the time I spent digging up the bamboo.

After I returned home we went to Jefferson City (I bought the weedeater in California), had lunch at a Mexican restaurant and did some grocery shopping.

I just got off the phone with Scott Jones, my boss the last year that I worked. He had some questions about a job he is working on for Tate & Lyle. I think I gave him some worthwhile insights into the history of the structure he is working on. It was good to visit with him.

It is almost to late to take a nap, but I may take one anyway.

Hope you all have/had and enjoyable day. May God bless you and yours.

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