Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27th - Not Much to Report

Another week between posts, just not much to talk about.

I have finally kicked the sinus infection. Hooray!

Last week we took Lydia to the Runge Nature Center, in Jefferson City. The "bear" intrigued her but of the exhibits inside the building she was most interested in the aquarium. It was maybe 5' tall and 4' wide. The fish in it were all native to Missouri (bass, blue gills, etc), not the typical fish you expect to see in an aquarium.

After the aquarium Kathy wanted to stop at McDonalds. This was obviously not the first time Lydia had eaten a hamburger. She knew exactly what it was and how to eat it.

I mowed the lawn on Saturday. We have nearly 5 acres here but most of it is woods. Our lawn is smaller than the acre we had in Indiana, but it takes at least as long to mow and far longer to trim. The lawn (and weeds) here are divided into 6 rough areas, most of which have lots of things to mow around. It takes me about 2 1/2 hours to mow, and a little over a tank of gas. I haven't done and weed eating the past couple of weeks and need to do that again. It takes at least a couple of hours to do minimal weed eating.

We had the new Pastor (Steve Bickel) and his wife over for supper one night. He is actually an "interim" Pastor. Several years ago he retired from the ministry and they moved to central MO to be located nearer one of their married children, as well as somewhat equidistant between he & Carolyn's aging parents. We really enjoyed our evening with them.

It has rained, or threatened rain, a lot during the past week. I just haven't gotten out and done much. Most of the heavy rain has been 30 miles north of us. It rained a little during the night and the weather radar looks like we will get a significant amount today, starting in about an hour.

I've located several dead trees on the property and need to get out and get some wood cut. Hopefully after todays rain things will dry out enough to make it decent to do so.

Have a great Memorial Day. May God bless you and yours.

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