Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12th - Happy Mother's Day

Last Friday afternoon was our volunteer day at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. We were fairly busy for the first couple of hours and then things slowed down. After things slowed down I helped one of the guys make some changes to the display racks, just to keep reasonably busy. It was slow enough so that we guys who work “at the loading dock” did have some slack time to tell stories and have some fun.

Saturday morning we went back to Jefferson City. We went to a couple of grocery stores, to Tractor Supply and to the farmers market at Lincoln University. We managed to hang around long enough to have an early lunch at the oriental buffet. On the way home we stopped at a nursery in Centertown and Kathy found some plants she liked. We, at least I, didn’t do much Saturday afternoon. She planted the plants she bought, and I’m sure did other things. I did some reading and after a nap I picked up a tractor bucket full of wood, I had cut it up some time ago, and moved it to the boiler. I also did some driveway regarding, the rains have been tough on our steep driveway slopes. I went out in the “meadow” and picked up two buckets full of rocks, so that I can mow a little more of it.

This morning we went to church. Last week the church voted unanimously to hire an interim Pastor, Steve Bickel. He and his wife live near Lohman, MO. He has preached at the church several times while we have been attending and we look forward to seeing what his leadership will bring.

The scripture for today’s Sunday School lesson was Proverbs 31:10-31

10 A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. 11 Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it. 12 Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long. 13 She shops around for the best yarns and cottons, and enjoys knitting and sewing. 14 She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic surprises. 15 She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day. 16 She looks over a field and buys it, then, with money she's put aside, plants a garden. 17 First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started. 18 She senses the worth of her work, is in no hurry to call it quits for the day. 19 She's skilled in the crafts of home and hearth, diligent in homemaking. 20 She's quick to assist anyone in need, reaches out to help the poor. 21 She doesn't worry about her family when it snows; their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear. 22 She makes her own clothing, and dresses in colorful linens and silks. 23 Her husband is greatly respected when he deliberates with the city fathers. 24 She designs gowns and sells them, brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops. 25 Her clothes are well-made and elegant, and she always faces tomorrow with a smile. 26 When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly. 27 She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them all busy and productive. 28 Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise: 29 "Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all!" 30 Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God. 31 Give her everything she deserves! Festoon her life with praises!

As I studied the lesson I thought about my Gramma Ruthie and also my mother. Not everything is applicable, but certainly the part about them being loving, smart and very hard working women applies. I’m not sure my Grandmother ever realized how important she was to our family, I can only hope that my Mother does.

I hope you all have/had a great day. May God bless you and yours.

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