Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb 12th - Cool Day

It cooled of significantly today. Yesterday the high was over 50 and today it was in the 30's. Still not bad for mid-Feb.

Monday we cut up some wood that was already down. It was just some of the trees that have been cut down in the past and left lying. We cut up enough to last 3 or 4 days.

Today we didn't do much. This morning we went to California. I dropped off a couple of chainsaw chains for sharpening, at the hardware store. I also bought a new chain. the more I'm here the more need I see for one of the walk behind brush mowers. There are just a lot of areas that are inaccessible even with a 4' brush hog. My yen for one was seriously dampened when I saw how much they actually cost. The hardware store rents them for $50/day. After it warms up, and dries out more (not that it is to wet) I may see if I can get Andy to come over and help me some day. I will rent one for the day and we can take turns mowing with it.

Kathy went to the Flea Market (Antique Store) and found a bowl to replace one that had been broken. We also filled up the car and bought a gallon of non-ethanol gas to use in the chainsaw and weed eater.

Lydia came this afternoon. She still has a cold but seemed to feel reasonably OK. We had a good time with her.

I sent Elaine (a friend from when we lived in Iowa in the late 70's) some map information today. She is coming for a visit next week. We are looking forward to it. On our way from the west coast to Missouri last summer we parked the motor home at here place a couple of days and had a good visit.

Time to get to bed. Hope all of you had a good day. May God bless you an yours.

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