Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dec 9th - Political Commentary - Justify Your Existence

Today I received an email from Senator Dan Coats, I’m still on his mailing list from when we were Indiana residents. Below is an excerpt:

“To reduce excessive federal spending, we need to determine what programs are essential, what can be pared down and what needs to be eliminated. This week I supported the Taxpayers Right to Know Act, bipartisan legislation introduced by Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) that would require every federal agency to provide taxpayers with an annual report card for each of its programs.”

This is just further proof that the people in DC are totally out of touch with the real world. The only thing this bill would accomplish would be to cause every agency to spend thousands of hours justifying their own existence. Does anyone honestly think some federal worker is going to admit to doing an abysmal job and telling others that his/her job should be eliminated? Even if one of the “Indians” were honest enough to admit that his/her function was unneeded, no “Chief” if going to allow his kingdom to be reduced in size.

Aren’t our Representatives and Senators supposed to know what is going on in government, and where our tax dollars are being spent? Doesn’t their job description include being responsible about how our tax dollars being spent?

If your family had been spending more than it earned for many years and the time came where you had to do something about it how many of you would go to your boss and tell him/her that you just had to have more money because you couldn’t control your spending? The concept is asinine yet that is exactly what we are being told by the people in DC. The federal government spends 50% more, per capita, than it did just 10 years ago. The problem is not that the federal government does not gouge us enough, the problem is they can’t resist being bought by every special interest group in DC.

Our debt/deficit problem could easily be solved if only our Representatives and Senators to read the Constitution and then start going through the federal government department by department and asking themselves two questions. First, Did the People give us the authority to be involved in this area? Second, Is this activity so vital to the operation of the United States that it is worth further indebting ALL future generations?

The people in DC can’t be so stupid that they don’t understand how to solve the problem. Instead they are willing to spend our tax dollars on anything as long as they think it will get them re-elected.

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