Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dec 8th - Political Commentary - No Payroll Tax Reduction

If we don’t contact the politicians in DC who claim they represent us, Social Security is going to be totally converted to just another federal government charity/welfare program.

Obama’a payroll tax reduction will be just the first step in “re-educating” the “its governments job to support me” crowd into totally believing that Social Security is just another welfare benefit that should be shared “equally”.“Equally” means everyone gets the same benefit no matter how much they have paid into the system.

One of the first steps in this war occurred in 1984 when social security benefits were first taxed. The tax was justified because the 50% employers paid into the fund was not considered income and thus not taxed. To increase the level of socialistic income redistribution, the amount of benefit that was taxable increased with the income level of the recipient. This was a double whammy. The higher income person paid taxes at a higher rate and they also had to pay the higher rate on a higher percentage of benefits.
Once the dam was broken the sky became the only limit. In 1993 the demi-gods in DC raised the per cent taxable to 85%.

The government wants some way to get at the private retirement funds of those of us who have managed to put aside some savings for retirement. They just can’t stand the thought that they don’t have control of IRA’s, 401k’s, etc. It is bad enough that the government controlled interest rates are so low that we actually lose money on our retirement savings, after inflation is taken into account. My guess is that the somehow the “payroll tax reduction” is the first step toward their confiscation of control of our nonsocial security retirement funds, no doubt so that they can “re-distribute”them also.

Please email your Congressman and Senators and tell them NO to the proposed extension of the payroll tax reduction.

Government is clearly showing us that we are no longer “TheLand of Equal Opportunity”, instead we are now the “Land of Equal Outcome.”

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