Monday, January 22, 2024

Days 49 & 50 - Sunday & Monday, January 21 & 22 - Cowboy Church

 Sunday we went to the Cowboy Church again. The music was led by Naomi Bristow, a Canadian who comes to south Texas to be a "winter" entertainer for all the snow birds. She performed several gospel songs. The word performed is to cold but I can't think of a better one. When she sang Hallejuah (her spelling) the I felt the Spirit so strongly that I though my feet might leave the ground. She didn't yodel for us đŸ˜€ but I listened to several of her songs online, that girl can yodel. For an added bonus God delivered another good message to us through Pastor Chris. 

Monday we went over to the clubhouse for the 9:30 weekly informational meeting. A guy representing a local tour company gave a talk about some of the available tours. Several of them include flying into Mexico. I'm NOT flying into Mexico for any reason, but the tour where you see hundreds of thousands of Monarch butterflies would be interesting. They also offer a tour of the Brownsville area that includes minor access to SpaceX's facility at Boca Chica beach. I will probably check into that.

It has been a little rainy here, for which the locals are glad. It cleared up after lunch for a mostly sunny, but breezy, high of 76 today, much better than yesterday's high of only 49.

I am getting in some bike riding, laps around the campground. I got in 4.5 miles Friday (plus 30 min on the treadmill) and 5.1 miles today. (Riding on the level asphalt streets in the campground is SO much easier than riding in hilly Missouri.) I've still got a long ways to go to get back to where I was before I stopped exercising for over a month while I was having the radiation treatments. (No real reason to have stopped, I was just being lazy. The radiation for prostate cancer is not a big deal.)

Sometimes I question my commitment to Christ, I'm often (usually) not a very good servant. I love it when He gives me words of encouragement. This week, part of my daily devotional reading was the Apostle Paul's words of encouragement to the Philippians 2:12 (New Living Translation) Dearest friends, you were always so careful to follow my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away you must be even more careful to put into action God's saving work in your lives, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. [13] For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him. (highlight by me). Rather than thinking I must work to change myself my "job" is to focus on Him and He will increase my desire to obey and give the power to please Him. WOW! PTL! 

Got is good. I pray that He blesses you and yours. He sure has blessed me.

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