Sunday, January 14, 2024

Day 42 - Sunday, January 14 - Cowboy Church

 We attended a good service at the Cowboy Church this morning. I enjoy the music and the message, Kathy enjoys the message.😀. Pastor Chris gives a good message.

After church we stopped at the La Feria Cafe for lunch. We ate there once last year, and won't go back again this trip.

The waitress took our order soon after we arrived. It was at least 40 minutes before our food arrived. Kathy said hers was fine, even though she had ordered chicken and they gave her hamburger for the meat. Mine had plenty of meat, but it was so tough that it was hardly worth the effort to chew it. I would rather they gave me half the meat, but meat of a decent quality. Flavor was mediocre.

Then it was on home. When we parked behind our coach we got a surprise. A cat was laying on the engine looking out through the louvers.

I fully agree with my Dad's philosophy that the only reason for having cats is for target practice. I chased it away. At 7 PM we just heard one howling near us. Kathy bought a plant and has had it sitting outside for over a week, most of which was when we were in the back of the campground. Since moving up here her plant has tipped over at least 3 times. We wonder if the cat thinks the soil is kitty litter. I need to do some target practice but people in the campground would probably be upset if I started shooting at their cats. Animals are supposed to be on leashes but of course rules only apply to others. Time to go out and see if the cat is back.

James 1:2 Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. [3] For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. [4] So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.

The cat is obviously an opportunity for me to learn patience and see that as joy, I just have to gain enough maturity to see it that way. I say that in a tongue-in-cheek manner, but it is actually true. Maybe someone's wandering cat is an opportunity for me to meet someone and invite them to church. 

God is good. I pray that He blesses you and yours. He has sure blessed me.

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