Friday, December 14, 2012

Dec 14th - At the Sawmill

Mark and I sawed logs into boards all day today. We filled up the trailer we partially loaded yesterday afternoon.

The picture doesn't look nearly as impressive as the actual trailer. The top of this pile was almost up to my eye level (5'-6"?). I didn't measure it but I think the bed on this trailer is 6'-6" clear inside. These boards are all at least 10' long and some are probably 14' long. There are several layers of 8-9' long boards "crosswise" in front of these. If you look real close you can see some of the shorter boards sticking out past the rails.
We are going to work tomorrow morning. I think we are done with the pine and that we will be sawing hardwoods in the morning.

John is taking us to lunch tomorrow. After lunch I need to get packed up, my laundry done, etc.. so that I am ready to leave on Sunday. I plan on taking my time going home. I told Kathy not to expect me until the 20th. I was planning on winterizing the RV while at a campground along the way. Since the lowest forecast overnight temperature for Centertown is 28 degrees, and that is not until next Thursday, I think I will wait and do the winterizing at home.

I've listened to some of the reporting on the tragedy at the school in Connecticut. Such an event is beyond the understanding of any sane person. Rather than pursue the real issue, which is, what has happened in our nation that has created all these nut cases, the government will no doubt use this as an excuse to try and disarm law abiding citizens.

I am as upset over these events as any of the bleeding heart liberals. I agree that measures be taken to reduce gun crime. I suggest that laws be changed to required a mandatory death penalty for anyone convicted of using a gun during the commission of a crime. Of course that will never happen. The liberal/progressives don't want to punish criminals, they would much rather punish law abiding citizens.

Remember when the "security conscious" person threw his/her keys on the floorboard, rather than leaving them in the ignition? Now the auto theft victim is at fault if they don't remove their keys from their car and lock the car. Things are so backward today. Rather than make the punishment for auto theft severe enough so that people quit stealing cars, we blame the auto owner for not prevent the theft.

OK, I'm off my soapbox <grin>. Have a good evening. May God bless you and yours.

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