Sunday, February 26, 2012

Feb 26th - Drew's Roof

Yesterday we worked on stiffening the roof, in one area, of Drew's home. We hauled 5-2x6x10' and 2-2x4x8' plus saw horses and other tools up into the attic. At the peak the roof is high enough that you can easily stand upright. The roof pitch is about an 8:12.

We spliced pairs of the 2x6's, because we needed them to be a little over 18' long, and have them in place. Today we will use the 2x6's as a base to do some jacking at a couple of locations. Once we get load transferred from an existing room member into the new 2x6's we will install permanent posts at two locations. After that is complete there are two 2x4 rafters that have sagged over the years and they also need to be stiffened. We/he will need to get 4-2x6x14' into the attic to do that job. I think he may wait to do that at a later date.

It got COLD here last night, 38 degrees on our thermometer. The weather service reported the official low was 41. Today's high is only supposed to be 47 and then it is supposed to be in the mid 50's until Friday when the highs get back into the 60's again. Drew mentioned that it finally turned to winter here.

The offer we made on the house in Centertown, MO (near our granddaughter's home) was rejected. The counter offer made it clear that, at least at this point, the people who own the home think it is worth far more than we do. After some research it appears that they paid $182,500 for the place in June of 2009. At that time the asking price was $194,900. The current owners are going to take a beating, especially considering that realty fees will cost them around $12,000, the only question is how badly.

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