Sunday, February 19, 2012

Feb 19th - More Househunting & Back to Indy

We looked at this 23 year old house this morning. We will probably make an offer on it. We are waiting to get some additional information from our realtor, but we would be surprised to find something that would keep us from making an offer. The basement is unfinished.

It is on a hilly, 5 acre, wooded site. There is a small pond on the property but I'm not sure why anyone spent the money for the dam to end up with such a small pond.

The highway is Rte 50. The property is about 10 miles west of Jefferson City. It takes 12-15 minutes to drive from Kelsey & Andy's, in Russellville, to this place. It is not the normal way they would go to get to Jefferson City but going this way would not take a lot longer.

If you want to see photos of the inside you can look at them at:

We arrived back at Doug & Anthony's at 7 PM, went out to eat and are now back at their place. I think Kathy is already in bed, and I'm not far from it.

Good night to all and may God bless you and yours.

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