Thursday, January 23, 2025

Day 56 - Thursday, January 23 - Research

 This morning I hooked our utilities back up and changed our whole house water filter. The water at the campground often tastes like it has a lot of chlorine in it. I'm hoping a new carbon filter will at least tone down the chlorine taste. After that I took our sheets over to the clubhouse laundromat and washed them. Kathy can wash and dry them in our Splendide stacked washer dryer but the king size sheets are quite a load for the washer. After the washer was done I brought them home and she dried them here.

My next task for the day was doing research for Jeff, my cousin who is in prison. He hopes to soon get out, after 15 years, and will have a lot of things to get in order once he is out. Health care is one of them. He is 70 years old. He retired after a full stretch in the Navy and then worked as a Construction Manager for some years. He had questions about the need from Medicare Part B in particular. Even after 5 hours on the computer I don't understand how veterans health benefits & Tricare & and Part B work, or which ones he actually needs. He hasn't started drawing Social Security but since he is 70 and his monthly benefit will no longer increase by delaying drawing it, he had question about taxes on Social Security.

At 4PM we went over to the clubhouse for the weekly Meet and Greet. We shared a table with two other full time couples who had lived in, or at least spent time in, a lot of places. They have been coming here during at least part of the winter for quite a few years. One lady commented on how she loved coming here for the winter because of all the friends she has when she is here. They lived in Ogden, Utah for many years and she said she never had as many friends as she has here. 

For over 30 years Kathy's Mom and Dad spent the winters, actually 6 months a year most of those years, at a "campground' near Dover, FL. They lived in a park model while in FL and had a cottage at a lake when in northern Indiana. It was like old home week when they arrived back in either place. The majority of the people at the campground came back winter after winter. 

It wasn't a nice day here today. It was cloudy all day, and felt like it could start raining any time. The high was 56 but it felt cool with the breeze and clouds. Everyone seems to be waiting for the weekend when highs are supposed to be in the 70's.

God is good. I pray that He bless you and yours. He has blessed me.

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