Monday, December 30, 2024

Day 32 - Monday, December 30 - Odds and Ends

 Last nights low was a humid 57 degrees. By early morning fog had rolled in. When I washed the front of the coach a few days ago the water was hard enough that that it left lots of spots on the glass. The humid morning was a perfect time to clean the spots off the windshield.

Kathy went over to the clubhouse and worked on a puzzle, and visited. I read awhile and then headed out. I stopped at Walgreens and continued trying to get my prescriptions straightened out. Only time will tell if I've made any progress. Then it was on to Planet Fitness for a 75 minute workout. 

Back at the coach we had lunch and then I started the process of getting Kathy's phone switched over to our new T-Mobile account. After multiple tries Kathy and I headed for the T-Mobile store. After maybe a 20 minute wait a guy started the process all over again. I had all the information he needed written on a piece of paper. An hour later we finally realized that he when he put the information into the system he entered an 8 instead 1 as part of our old account number. My penmanship was totally at fault. We now have to wait 24 hours for things to "reset" and then we start a do over.

Then it was on to buy groceries at HEB. It was CROWDED. There were so many carts running up and down the aisles that everyone was constantly making choices about who had "the right away." The good thing was that they had lots of people checking out. There was only one lady in line in front of us and she had almost all her groceries on the belt when we got in line behind her. Also, they were "bag boys" bagging the groceries so that things moved right along.

Once back at the coach Kathy put the groceries away and got supper around while I sat outside and read. Today's high was 91 degrees but by evening it had cooled down enough that it was comfortable out. At 9PM the temperature is 68 degrees but the humidity is still 88%. The warm spell looks like it may be over. There is only one day in the 10 day forecast with a high forecast in the 80's.

All in all I guess it was a boring day, but I don't mind being bored.

God is good. I pray that He bless you any yours. He has blessed me.

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