Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dec 28th - Christmas is Over & I'm Glad

We had an enjoyable Christmas. Doug, Anthony & Sean came form Indy on Christmas day. We had Christmas supper at Kelsey's.

Nolan LIKES cranberries. Not sure why he looks comatose in photo. He certainly wasn't.
 Buffet style eating at Grams.
Checking out Gram's cabinets.
 Hard to get Lydia away from her "screen".
I am a bah humbug person at Christmas. Yes, I'm a Christian and I understand that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, but I also look around and see that the holiday has deteriorated into a bonanza for retailers. Jesus may be the "Reason for the Season" but Santa is the one who many choose to worship. (My main excuse for being a bah humbug person)

It seems to me that most of us have already given ourselves, and our children, everything we/they want that we afford, or that we can borrow the money to purchase.

Perhaps the problem is that I am so self centered that I refuse to spend time to learn enough about others to figure out what I might give them that would bring them joy. I received several gifts this year that I will enjoy. An audiobook by Chuck Colson (a man whom I admire), some jars of homemade salsa (made by a lady in Indianapolis and unavailable here in MO) and packages of Eckrich Smok-Y-Links (a breakfast sausage I love but that is unavailable around here). Thank you to those who spent the time to know me well enough to know about "little things" that I would enjoy.

May God bless you and yours.

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