Looks like we will have another nice day here.
Yesterday I hooked the battery charger back up and it seemed to charge the battery OK, never started the car so don't know for sure. I'm still not sure why the "boost start" feature didn't seem to work the other night.
Yesterday's high was I the high 60's, with only a few clouds. We finished hooking up utilities, got formally checked into the campground, and basically settled in. We took several walks around the campground but didn't do much else. It was a great day just to be lazy. Had the motor home window open in the afternoon to air it out. We also spend some time just setting out in lawn chairs. It was breeze and when the sun went behind an occasional cloud it was a little cool with just a long sleeve shirt. When the sun was fully out, which was most of the time, and the wind wasn't blowing it was almost to warm. Felt good!
I think these people were here when we were here last year. The 5th wheel RV is a triple axle (BIG) unit. The "Dot" car load crosswise on the truck, right up next to the sleeper, and then they hook up the 5th wheel unit behind the car. The guy has ramps and just drives the car up onto the truck bed, at least that is what the guy did last year.
We are in campsite 78, note that north is down on the map below.
The campsites here are huge, 40-50' wide and at least 100' deep. Last year we were in either campsite 19 or 20. I think we are going to like 78 better. We have a big shade tree on our east side but not one of the west side, like we did last year. We like being able to sit outside, in the sun, in the afternoon. If it gets to warm, which I doubt, we can put out our awning for some shade.
Below is a Google map of the campground, north is up on it so it is reversed from the one above. Our campsite is located with a blue dot. I took an early morning walk, during sunrise, and walked the loop around the entire campground. The places at the behind the club house, at the top of the map, are all private dwellings, owned by RV'ers. You can tell the club house because you can see the pool.
Hope you all have a great day. May God bless you and yours.
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