Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5th - Warm Wet Days in Missouri

First - Error Correction - I must have had a brain cramp during an earlier post. I said that Elliott was going to Kenya when he is actually going to the Congo. He is on his way to the airport as I type this.

I previously mentioned that we had to stop for ice cream after fish last Friday night, but I forgot to include a photo. Mom with her lemon cone and Kathy holding her chocolate cone and my lemon cone.

Aunt Cindy gave us some tools and kitchenware for Lydia, and Lydia is REALLY enjoying them.

Grammy and Lydia, in the yard picking and eating mulberries.
Kathy has painted Kelsey & Andy's kitchen two coats since we returned, in addition to all her other tasks. She says it still needs another coat.

Lydia headed for Hollywood. (NOT, I hope)

I didn't do anything Tuesday so yesterday I had to get out and get some things done. I went to California for a haircut and picked up the gaskets I had ordered for the carb on my log splitter. Cleaned the carb as best I could and reinstalled it. The splitter started, and ran, fine. I split almost all the wood I had ready for splitting. Now I need to get it stacked and cut some more.
I finished splitting the wood in the rain. It was humid and in the mid 80's, I was already so wet with sweat that the rain felt good.

Today's high is only supposed to be in the mid 70's. The humidity is supposed to be above 80% all day and there is a 40% chance of rain. This is the coolest day in the 10 day forecast so I need to get out and finish cutting up the tree I felled a couple of weeks ago.

May God bless you and yours.

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