Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jan 12th - WARM today

Yesterday was  the first time Kelsey was able to get out of the driveway with her front wheel drive car, since the recent snowfall. Actually she had not tried prior to that, nor had I tried to get my truck out. I think she might have been able to get out Friday but don't think my truck would have made it.

We haven't been housebound. Their 4WD truck and our AWD CR-V have made it out with no problems.

Lydia and I had built a small snowman last Tuesday. On Thursday we built a larger one.

I fired up the wood splitter for the first time yesterday and spent about 90 minutes splitting wood. Andy and I spent about an hour today. We have quite a pile of good wood (mostly oak) in the wood storage building. We stopped when we got a chunk stuck on the splitter, and the splitter ran out of gas. We figured it was a "sign" <grin>.
Yesterday I got a big chunk of hedge stuck on the splitter 3 times before I quit trying to split it. The middle photo below shows the wood that we still have left over from last years cutting and splitting. There is a double row 16' long by 6' high, and a couple of short partial rows.

Below is the stump that I was cutting off when I cut my ankle with the chain saw. I'm going to have to cut it in half with the chain saw before trying to split it again, once I get it knocked off the splitter.

The splitter ran great, at least as good as last year. I still need to take the hydraulic pump off to have the seal fixed, just haven't bothered yet.

I don't know how warm it got yesterday, but it was into the 50's. Today the high was 66. It was a great day to be out and about. I hope it was as nice wherever you were.

May God bless you and yours.

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