Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26th - RAIN - At least a little

We aren't in a drought but it is dry here. It drizzled rain here from early this morning until around 3 PM. We only received 3 tenths but not a bit of it ran off.

Kathy came back home Wednesday. Doug is feeling better but not 100% yet.

Hot tubbin.

Hot tubbing if hard work. Sharing some of Grammy's home grown tomatoes with Mom.

Grammy makes awesome strawberry shortcake. Lydia decided it was so good that she picked up her empty bowl and did her best to lick it clean.

I'm not sure what these flowers are, but they are pretty.
 The "grass bush" is beside the flowers. We have several of them. I cut them down to nothing last fall. I thought maybe I killed them because they didn't start growing until late spring. This one is over 7 feet tall.

Lydia came up missing for a couple of minutes. She was in the kitchen organizing Grammy's cabinets.

Later, after finishing the cabinet organizing, her and Grammy shared a bowl of popcorn.

We are so blessed!

Andy's business is doing great. His biggest worry the past week is that he has more work than he can do. Last week when he stopped by one night to get Lydia, he said he thought he was finally a real PDR (paintless dent repair) guy. He has been working at it since he went out to California and trained under  a PDR guy out there. It appears that he is really getting a knack for it, and that his investment of time and money is paying off well. He and Kelsey both show that America is still a country where young people who are willing to work make a good life for themselves.

It is good to start getting acquainted with some of the local businesses. I loaned my log splitter to a guy and when he brought it back one of the tires wouldn't hold air. The tires are old and cracked so having one not hold air wasn't a shock. I took the tire over to Nathan's, in California, this morning. The place was BUSY, which is normal, I rolled the tire inside and told the lady I needed a used tire. She had me roll it in the back and leave it along a wall. She didn't bother with getting my name, how much I wanted to spend, or anything else. She told me to come back in an hour. When I came back they had a decent used tire mounted and it cost me $20. I considered it to be a good deal.

We went to Jeff today to pick up a gun security cabinet I had ordered. It isn't a gun safe but it is more than adequate to keep curious great-grandchildren from every being able to get at my guns. I thought about getting a gun safe (they are fireproof and a lot more secure) but they are about 3 times what I paid for the cabinet. The only real value my guns have is sentimental value for the ones Dad left me. I just couldn't see spending an additional $400 to protect them from fire or theft. Besides, getting a 500# safe into my office would have been a challenge. The security cabinet only weighs 90#.

After we returned from Jeff, Kathy, Kelsey and Lydia headed down to Springfield, MO. It is about a 3 hour drive southwest of hear. The are staying in a motel overnight (girls night out) and Kathy is attending the wedding of one of the Teen Challenge girls (maybe one of the Councilors) tomorrow.

Sunday morning we have a gospel group providing music during our church service. After church we are having a potluck/pitchin dinner. After dinner we stop by home to finish loading and head to Logan Valley, it is about a 3.5 hour drive down to southeast MO. I'm going down there to work another week. Kathy is going down to visit and then probably returning home Tuesday. I will drive the motor home back, probably on Saturday.

I hope you all had a great day. May God bless you and yours.

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