Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov 21st - A Slow Day

Not much happening today.

I dumped the waste tanks, did a load of wash in the campground washer and a load in the motor home washer. Did several days worth of dishes in the evening. I need to get the vacuum out and also do some dusting. Manana (don't know how to put the squigle over the n).

Morning campground chores consisted of feeding the goldfish, cleaning up some broken window glass (it has been broken for some time, just hasn't been fixed yet) and taped a piece of styrofoam over the window to keep out the bugs (lots of wasps/hornets around right now). I also used the leaf blower to clean off the porches at Lakeside, the Dining Room and Fallow. John's family is supposed to be here over the holiday and he told me that another family had rented one of the buildings for the holiday. Since each building is pretty much self-contained, all have bunk areas, meeting rooms and kitchen and bath facilities, a group can be here almost without even knowing it.

I added another post to my poltical blog while waiting for John to show up. He arrived around noon, his wife has shingles and he is doing a lot of the Thanksgiving cooking. He had been grocery shopping before coming out to the camp.

He showed me how to "winterize" the pool. Down here, where they rarely get temperatures below freezing, there isn't much to winterizing. Backflush the filter and drain it, drain the pump and stainer and spread a couple of bags of hypochlorite(?) across the pool surface. I also dug up a piece of wood and put it over the hole where a window air conditioner had been removed from the concession stand.

I also dumped the trash can in Bluebonnet. The kids who had been in there over the weekend had made posters. I can't imagine how they managed to cram all the poster paper into the trash can. They must have stood on it and jumped up and down. There was no way the bag was just going to slide out of the trash can. I had to tip the can up and pull most of the paper out.

I did manage to get my exercise. I made 7 or 8 trips up the 20 steps to the new building upstairs, carrying pieces of hardwood flooring.

It got close ot 80 here today. It felt nice, with the breeze. Most places here are in the shade so you don't do a lot in the direct sun, unless you want to.

Good night to all. May God bless you and yours.

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