Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct 4th - PM - Wood Burner Fired Up

I cut a little wood today, worked on the motor home parking area a little and started up our wood fired outdoor boiler.


Within a few minutes after starting it looked like this.

A few minutes later, after starting up the draft fan, it looked like this. I've never seen a wood burning locomotive smoke any worse. The EPA will be back here fining us.
The wood I'm burning in it isn't the greatest stuff, but it is plain wood (no paint, varnish, treated wood, etc). I think maybe some of the volume of smoke might be caused by drying out the inside of the furnace. It will be interesting to see if the level of smoke decreases as we use it  more as the temperatures drop the next few days.

Making smoke was today's excitement. Well not really, we had Lydia again today; although I was outside most of the time she was here. Kathy took her around on a couple of stroller rides and took her by where I was working.

Good night to all. May God bless you and yours.

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