Thursday, August 2, 2012

Aug 2nd - Tomatoes

Today was a tomato day. Kathy, Kelsey, Melissa (Kelsey's sister) and Lydia were here to can Hootch and tomato juice. Hootch is similar to V8 juice, but far superior. Kathy's Grandpa Melvin Towers got family members started making it.
The batch of hootch, can lids in another pan and macaroni soup (homemade tomato soup with macaroni) for lunch. For those unfamiliar with macaroni soup it is mandatory that grilled cheese sandwiches accompany the macaroni soup.

The pot of plain tomato juice.

The littlest helper.

It sprinkled a little this morning, just enough to make the dirt I've been moving around for the motor home pad stick to your feet, so I just laid around all day. Actually I shopped for tractors online. Probably a mistake not getting out after it dried off since the high today was only 92, almost cold for here.

Good evening to all and may God bless you and yours.

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