Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Apr 18th - Back at the Dining Hall

I'm back at the Dining Hall to access the Internet again. Actually I was here for all three meals today. Breakfast was scrambled eggs and fried potatoes. Lunch was some type of pork roast that was quite good, with mashed potatoes and veggies. Supper was hamburgers and baked beans, with chips.

I put a second coat of the "rubber primer" on the bathroom floor this morning and spent the rest of the day working on the carpet pool game. I installed the new end pieces that I had made. They fit OK, nothing to brag about. I definitely need more practice cutting bevels on a table saw. It took some work with a rasp and belt sander to improve the looks. After that I put a coat of primer on it. It is actually white but the sun shining through the tent made it look orange in the photo.

Rick and Bob moved the new shower trailer in place today. For some silly California reason the camp can't any more showers, they don't have many, inside permanent buildings. They can't add any number of "temporary" showers. In the past they paid to rent several shower trailers but the company they rented from wouldn't keep them up. They decided to build their own. They one they just moved into place is the 2nd one they have built. Each unit has 4 showers. (The blue lawn chair on the far left is ours. Our motorhome is behind the chair.)

There will be a covered porch along this wall with individual doors to each shower unit.

On the back side there is an opening to a mechanical chase between each pair of showers.

I started downloading updated maps for my Garmin GPS at 5:30 PM. It is now 8:30 PM and I supposedly still have 40 more minutes to wait on the download.

Weather here has been nice. No rain in the forecast for the next 5 days and it hasn't rained for about that many. This is probably the longest "dry spell" since we have been here.

Good night to all and may God bless you and yours.

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