Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oct 26th - Rained Out

I only worked about 45 minutes this morning and we then were rained out. It has rained on and off all day, but never hard. The roof trusses were delivered to day so, if we don't get rained out tomorrow, I think we will start setting them.

We had David, Kathy, Davie & Josh (their 3 & 1 year olds) over for supper. Since there isn't much going on here Sue is visiting one of their kids & grandkids. Dave stayed around but I think he is leaving Thursday to do the same, since there are no camps this weekend. We asked him to come for supper but he already has other plans.

Kathy and I read, napped and worked caught up on our budgeting. (Actually she was caught up, I was the one who had not done anything on it for a couple of months.) Of course Kathy also cooked dinner and supper.

Temperature went down to 49 last night. Todays high was in the mid 60's. Tonights low is supposed to be in the low 40's and it tomorrows high is forecast to be 56. I may have to find my long underwear <grin>.

Good night to all and may God bless you and yours.

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